Past Attendees
The Fit Out Awards culminate in a prestigious gala ceremony, attracting hundreds of senior executives from across Ireland's fit out industry. This exclusive event provides a unique opportunity to connect with the industry's most influential players and top talent. Mingle with leaders, celebrate shared achievements, and forge valuable connections that can propel your business forward.
- [innen] interior architecture
- 21 Spaces
- abgc Architecture
- Abington Design House
- ABK Architects
- ACB Group Design & Construct
- Accenture
- Adston Construction
- Aecom Design
- AerCap
- AirconMech
- AirconMech Ltd
- AlenaCDesign
- All Systems Commercial Fitouts
- All Systems Commercial Fitouts Ltd
- Alliance Contract Carpets & Flooring
- Alliance Contract Carpets & Flooring Ltd
- Allsorter
- Allwood Architectural Joinery
- Altu Architects
- AM Design
- Americold
- Andrew P. Nugent & Associates
- Andrew Weadick Carpets Ltd
- Apha Mechanical
- Applegreen
- Arcadis
- Architects Workshop
- Arcology International LLC
- Ardmac
- Ardstone Capital
- Arthur Cox
- Arup
- Ash Wilson Design
- Ashen & Cloud
- Aspect Interior Design
- Aspire Design & The Interiors Association
- Assero Partnership
- Atkins
- Atlantic Technological University - Sligo
- Auburn Real Estate
- Audiotek
- Audrey Gaffney Associates
- Autex Acoustics
- Autodesk
- Aviva
- Avoca
- Avolon
- AW Carpets Ltd.
- Axis Engineering
- Axiseng Consulting Engineers
- Azure Contracting
- Bakkala Engineering
- Ballymore
- Ballymore Group
- Bannons
- Bartra Capital Property
- BDP Architects
- Beckett & Co.
- Bene
- Bennett Construction
- Bennett Freehill
- Bennett Property
- BHA Construction
- Bisley
- Bizquip Interiors
- Blackrock Further Education Institute
- BLK Construction
- BNP Paribas
- Bob Bushell Interiors
- Bovision Capital
- Bradley Brand & Design
- Brendan Merry and Partners
- Brill Design
- Broadstone Architects
- Brown House Interiors
- Brown Thomas
- Bruce Shaw
- BSG Design
- Bucholz McEvoy Architects
- Buildcost
- Built Interiors
- Burke Joinery
- Bus Eireann
- C+W O'Brien Architects
- Calibro Workspace
- Canopy Fitouts
- Carrolls Irish Gifts
- Castle Ceilings
- Castle Group
- Castlebrook
- Castlerock
- Caulfield Wright Architects
- Caveo Information Systems
- Ceco Building Products
- CField Construction
- CGDM Group
- Chadwicks Group
- Chartered Land
- Chawner & Trench
- Ciaran Ferrie Architects
- Citibank
- Citrix
- CityBuild
- CJK Engineering
- Clancourt
- Clancy
- CLG Group
- CLG Progress
- Clíona Dempsey Interiors
- Clontarf Interiors
- CNP Santander
- Coady Architects
- Codex Interiors
- Cogent Associates
- Collen Construction
- Collins Maher Martin
- Comer Group
- Comhairle Contae Chill Dara / Kildare County Council
- COMMA Architects
- ComReg
- Conack Construction
- Conbu Interior Design
- Conbu Interior Design & The Interiors Association
- Conlon Engineering
- Connolly Hughes Decorating Specialists
- Conroy’s Curtains
- Construction Network Ireland
- Conway Solid Surfacing
- Cooney Architects
- Core
- Core Electrical
- Core Media
- Core Solutions
- Corgan
- Cox Power Architects
- Coyne Group
- Cpl
- Craig Hughes Decorating Specialists
- Crawford Partnership
- Creation Station
- Credence Capital
- Creighan Contracts Ltd
- CRM Fit-Out
- CRM Interior Fit-Outs
- Creighan Contracts Ltd
- CRM Interiors Ltd.
- Crystal Air
- Crystal Lean Solutions
- Cuddy QS
- Cullen Payne Architects
- Cushman & Wakefield
- Custom Shopfitting
- Darkley Lodge
- Darmody Architecture
- Davy Hickey
- DBFL Consulting Engineers
- DCON Safety Consultants
- Deloitte
- Deluxe Bathrooms and Tiling Solutions
- Demesne Architects
- Design Squared
- Designer Group
- Designfolk
- Designful by Deirdre Walshe Design
- DesignLed
- Desso
- Diarmuid Reil Architects
- Divine Design
- Divine Wood Design
- DJI Group
- DLight
- DMG Engineering
- DMOD Architects
- DMVF Architects
- DND Electrical Engineering
- Douglas Wallace
- Doyle + Partners Architects
- Doyle Morris Group
- DPC Business Advisors
- Dropbox
- DTA Architects
- Dublin School of Creative Arts, Dublin Institute of Technology
- Duffy Consulting Engineers
- Duggan Lynch
- Duggan Shopfitters
- Duke McCaffery
- Duke McCaffery Consulting
- Dunnes Stores
- Eason
- Ecocem
- Ecophon
- EDC Engineering
- Edge Design and Construction
- Edgewater Contracts
- Edit Office
- EG
- Electro
- Elevation Construction Network
- Elkstone
- Elliott Group
- EMEA Region, WELL Faculty at the IWBI
- Emerald Interior Design & The Interiors Association
- eml architects
- Equity Derivatives
- Erba Engineering Services
- Errigal
- ES Design Engineering
- Etag Fixings
- Ethos Engineering
- Ethos Engineering Ltd
- Exertis Supply Chain Services
- Exhibit Design
- Ezobord
- Fabrica Architects
- Fabtops
- Farrelly & Co
- Farrington Design
- Fewer Harrington & Partners
- Fine Edge Design
- Finsa Ireland
- Fiontar Group
- Fiontar Safety Management
- Fitout Interiors
- Fitzgeralds of Kells
- FKM Fit Out
- Flooring Providers
- Flynn
- Flynn Management & Contractors
- Forbo Ireland
- Friends First
- Furnishing Distributors
- Future Office
- G.N.C.E.
- Gannon Office Solutions
- Gardiner & Theobald (Ireland)
- Gareth
- GC Fit Out
- GD Ceilings
- GDC Group
- GDC Interiors
- GEM Interior Contracts Limited
- GEM Joinery
- GEM Manufacturing Company
- GEMElliott Construction
- Gensler
- georg eboyledesigns
- Ger Smyth Interiors
- Gerry Connolly Decorating
- Gilligan Architects
- Glanbia Ireland
- Glandore
- Glen Cullen Construction Ltd
- Glenn Wood Tullamore
- Glennon Insurance Brokers
- Globoserv
- Goshawk
- Gowan Motors
- Grace Gahan Interiors & National Design Academy
- Graham Group
- Green Aspect
- Green REIT
- Greenscene
- Griffith College
- Griffith College Dublin
- GSK Ireland
- GW Design
- H Y D E
- Hamilton Robson
- Hannah McHugh Interior Design
- Harcourt Architects
- Hardwicke
- Hardy Partnership
- HATCH Student Living
- Havwoods Ireland
- Hélène Broderick Interiors
- Henry J Lyons
- Hereworks
- Hibernia Reit
- Hillmac Fitouts
- Hines
- HLW International
- Homan O'Brien
- Horan Rainsford Architects
- Horgan Lynch Consulting Engineers
- Horizon Therapeutics
- Host & Company
- Housing Assistance Payment ( HAP ) Shared Services
- Howdens
- Hoyez Partition Systems
- Hughes Planning
- Humanscale
- Hunt Office Interiors
- IA Interior Architects
- Iconic Offices
- iFit Interiors
- IIS Space
- IN2 Engineering Design Partnership
- Inception
- Indaba Design
- Indaver Ireland
- Independent Surveyor
- Infinity Lifts
- Inicio Interiors
- Innovare Design
- InSpace Design
- Insurance Institute of Ireland
- Insurance Ireland
- Intensity Lighting
- Interactive Interiors
- Intercom
- Interface Ireland
- Interface Ireland Limited
- Interiors Association
- International WELL Building Institute
- Iris Reit
- Irish Life
- Irish Time Design
- Iroko Events and Construction
- IS Design
- IT Sligo
- IVC Group
- IWG (Regus)
- J. Vaughan Electrical Contractors
- Jabes Interiors
- JAK Consulting Engineers
- Jennifer Anne Interiors
- Jennings Design Studio
- JJ Rhatigan & Co.
- JJC Contracting
- JLLJMG Solutions
- John O’Connell Furniture
- John Quigley & Associates
- John Sisk & Son (Holdings)
- Johnson & Johnson
- Johnston Fitout
- Johnston Shopfitters
- Jones Engineering
- Jones Engineering House
- JP Morgan
- Judy Conroy Curtains
- Jurys Inn Hotels
- JV Tierney Consulting Engineers
- K-Design Studio
- Kavanagh’s Lighting
- Kehoe Electrical
- Kennedy Wilson
- Kerrigan Mechanical
- Kevin Kelly Interiors
- Kilrock Limited
- King & Moffatt Building Services
- Kingston Lafferty Design
- Kirby Group
- Kitt Interiors
- KKS Savills
- KM Lynskey
- Knauf AMF
- Knight Frank
- Knoll
- Knoll International
- Knotel
- KPMG Construction Advisory
- L'Estrange Designs
- Lafferty
- Lambert Surveyors
- Laura Farrell Design
- Law Library
- Liberty IT
- Light4U
- Limerick City and County Council
- Limerick Institute of Technology
- Lineamenta Workshop
- Linear Office
- Linesight
- Lioncor
- Liquidline
- Lisney
- LMC Group
- LUCA Architecture
- Lumen Search
- M Butler Construction
- M Moser Associates
- Mac Interiors
- mac-group
- Maloney O'Beirne Architects
- Manley Construction
- Maples
- Maria Fenlon Interior Design
- Markree Castle
- Marlet
- Mary Ryder Designs
- Mason Hayes & Curran Solicitors
- MB Carpentry & Construction
- Mc Nulty Smyth Associates
- MCA Architects
- McAleer & Rushe
- McCabe Design Group
- McCabe McGinn
- McCauley Daye O’Connell Architects
- McCue Marine
- McElroy & Associates
- McHale
- McKeon Group
- McLoughlin Architecture
- McMahon Associates
- McNally Handy & Partners
- MDO Architects
- MDP + Partners
- Meehan Associates
- Meehan Green
- Meitheal Architects
- Mercury Engineering
- Metec Consulting Engineers
- MG Developments
- Michael Butler Construction
- Michelle Nally Interiors
- Microsoft
- Midleton Park Hotel
- Miele Ireland
- Minima
- Mitchell | McDermott
- Mivan
- MJ Flood
- MJF Interiors
- Modern Expo
- Module Architecture
- MOLA Architecture
- Molloy Associates
- Moloney Fox
- MONDE Interiors
- Mortar & More
- MRL Architects
- Mulcahy McDonagh & Partners and VLE Therapeutics
- Mulcahy McDonagh & Partners Quantity Surveyors
- Mulveys
- Murray & Spelman
- Naught9 Design
- NDY - Norman Disney Young
- Nespresso Professional
- Nespresso UK
- Nine Yard Design
- NODA Architecture & Interiors
- Noel Conway Construction
- Nolaclan
- Nora by Interface
- Nora Flooring Systems UK
- Nora systems GmbH
- Northern Lights
- O Connor Sutton Cronin
- O'Brien Office Systems
- O'Connell Mahon Architects
- O'Connor Sutton Cronin (M&E)
- O’Donnell O’Neill Design
- O'Donnell O'Neill Design Associates
- O'Leary Sludds Architects
- O’Neill O’Malley
- O'Reilly Hyland Tierney
- OAK Project Management
- Obre Fabrications
- ODonnell Furniture Makers
- Office Box
- Office of David O'Shea
- Office of Public Works
- OHMG Construction
- Oikos Furniture
- Oman Beverly Smyth
- OMP Architects
- Oppermann Associates
- Optima
- Optimise Design
- Oracle
- O'Reilly Hyland Tierney
- Oriel House Hotel
- Ostick & Williams
- Our Lady’s Hospice and Care Services
- PAC Studio
- PACO Interiors
- Panasonic
- Parson Building Services
- Pennywell Industries
- Perch Studio
- Perkins&Will
- Perkins+Will
- Phelan Doyle
- Philip Lee Solicitors
- Phoenix Interior Design
- Plantech
- Plantech Design
- Platt & Reilly
- Plus Architects
- PM Group
- Portview Fit-Out
- Positive Vending
- Press Up Entertainment Group
- Primabuild Ltd
- Pro-Light Design & Technology
- Proline Hardware
- Promould
- Pure Fitout
- PW
- QBB Architects
- QicTrims
- Quantcast
- RealSafe
- Reddy A+U
- Reddy Architecture + Urbanism
- Redwood Design
- Restless.Design
- Revelate Capital
- Riverside Mechanical
- ROC Agencies
- Rockfon
- Rocks Jewellers
- Rogerson Reddan
- Rose Construction
- Royal College of Surgeons
- RPP Architects
- Ryan and Lamb Architects
- Ryle & Co.
- Saint-Gobain Ecophon
- Sammon Contracting Ireland
- SAP Ireland
- Sara Cosgrove
- SAS International
- Saul Design
- SaulDesign Architecture & Interiors
- Savills
- Scollard Doyle
- Scott Murphy
- Scott Tallon Walker Architects
- Searing Point
- Select First LLP
- Serpentine Interiors
- Shanley Brennan & Associates
- Shannon Commercial Properties
- Shaw Contract
- SIG Ireland
- SIG Workplace
- Sigma Retail Partners
- Simply Architecture
- Sinead Cassidy Design
- Sisk
- Slack Technologies
- SLMD Ltd
- Smartbox
- Solid Fabrications
- Somerville Fit-Out
- Sonica Fitout
- Space Creators
- Specialist Joinery Group
- Spinal Injuries Ireland
- Spinneybeck / FilzFelt
- St. Vincent dePaul
- Staycity
- Steelcase
- Steelworks
- Stephens Catering
- Stewart Construction
- Storage Systems
- Structure Tone
- studio designsquared
- Studio Oran O’Reilly
- Style So Simple
- Suspended Ceiling Supplied
- Suzanne Freeman Interior Design
- Suzie McAdam Design Studio
- Sweet Group
- Synnott Design
- SystemCore Building Consultants
- T&I Fitouts
- Tailor&Wolf
- Talbot Collection
- Tanya Neufeld Flanagan
- TapCreative.
- Tarkett
- Tarkett Ltd
- Taylor Architects
- Tech Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
- Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest
- Techskills
- Tektura Wallcoverings
- Telnyx
- Terry Design
- Tetrarch Capital
- The Amtico Company Ltd
- The Building Consultancy
- The Deluxe Group
- The FKM Group
- The Galtee Group
- The Interiors Association
- The Interiors Group
- The Interiors Project
- The Mercantile Group
- The O'Toole Partnership Architects
- The Pub Design Co.
- The Range
- The Society of British and International Interior Design
- Think Contemporary
- Thomas Montgomery
- Thorne Sarsfield
- Tilespex
- TileStyle
- Tipperary County Council
- Tipperary Glass
- Tippo International
- Titan Roofing
- Tobin Consulting Engineers
- TODD Architects
- Toilet Cubicles Ireland
- Tomasz Kaluba Design Studio
- Tony O Donovan Office Interiors Ltd
- Tony O'Donovan Office Interiors
- Torque Consulting Engineers
- Total Fitout
- Townmore Construction
- TP Bennett
- Trinity College Dublin
- Truwood
- Truwood Ltd.
- Truwood Specialist Joinery
- TUD Bolton St.
- Turner & Townsend
- UMR Group
- Unispace
- Universal Business Installations Ltd (UBI)
- Universal Floral
- Urban Solutions
- Urbana
- Van Dijk Architects
- Vardis Group
- Varming
- Versatile Group
- Vescom
- VHI Healthcare
- Virgin Media
- Virtus PM
- Vision Branding Solutions
- Vision Creative Studios
- Vodafone
- W2W
- Walls Construction
- Water 4 U
- Waterlogic
- Weiland
- Wejchert Architects
- Western
- Whelan Electrical Engineering
- White Meadow Interiors
- Willie Duggan Lighting
- Winthrop
- WK Knowlan
- WoodFit Acoustics
- Woods Architecture
- xSellco
- Yapstone
- YG Interiors Ltd
- Zendesk
- Zip Water
- Zutec